Friday, February 18, 2011

What is the Maker's Diet?

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 "Read This Book if...
1. You want to avoid disease and live as healthy as possible with abundant energy and improved physical appearance.
2. You are suffering from disease, feel hopeless, and doubt if you will ever get well, and all the specialists you have seen offer no answers." MD

I fall under category one, but the author of this book, Jordan Rubin, falls under category two. Here's his story...
The author's story* 

The Maker's Diet is a book written by Jordan Rubin who was inspired to write this book because at the age of 19 he became very sick.

In 1994, he was diagnosed with Crohn's colitis. Jordan's immune system began to fail, and He suffered from intestinal parasites, severe Candida, extreme anemia, food allergies, diabetes, excruciating abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, poor circulation, liver problems, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, insomnia, hair loss, prostate and bladder, infections, irregular heartbeat, eye inflammation, and chronic depression. 

You name it, it seems like Dr. Rubin had it. He became desperate after his weight dropped from 180 lbs to a low of 104 lbs at a height of 6'1''. Traveling to more than 7 countries, visiting over 70 health professions, and trying more than 300 supplements, nothing seemed to make him feel better.

In 1996, Jordan stopped using all supplements, stopped going to doctors and began an intense study of nutrition. His diet consisted of nothing but whole, living, enzyme and probiotic rich foods and Homeostatic Soil Organisms.

Within four months, Jordan's weight returned and his body began to heal itself. It has been six years since his recovery, and he has had no symptoms of the disease that almost killed him.

The Maker's Diet 

The maker's diet is a 40 day diet based on the Bible and is scientifically proven to improve the health of the entire body. It is designed to attack insulin, infection, and inflammation. Throughout the book, Jordan explains the diet of American culture and how it has veered away from the Bible. He explains every scientific detail of our body and describes the cleansing process. He talks about ways to get sick, advantages and disadvantages of various diets, and much much more. 

What happens during the 40 days of doing the Maker's Diet?
The diet is divided into three phases. 

Phase 1 is designed to stabilize insulin and blood sugar, reduce inflammation, reduce infection, enhance digestion, and help balance the hormones in your body. 
During this phase, it restricts disaccharide-rich carb foods such as grains, pastas, breads, sugar, potatoes, corn, beans and legumes.

Phase 2 A greater variety of foods are added to the diet, including fruit, nuts and seeds. During this phase, continued excess weight loss will occur. The health goal is not to achieve dramatic weight loss, but to continue to move toward the ideal weight while enjoying  great benefits of enhanced health.

Phase 3 is the maintenance phase of the diet. It is design to allow and encourage healthful eating of foods from each food group. In this phase, grain foods and foods higher in sugars and starches are added. At this phase, one will have managed to establish considerable self-control, making it much easier not to cheat.

The book says phase 1 is the hardest. So during this time, I hope to feel more energized, use God as my support system, lose weight and gain more self-control. I'll be starting Monday!

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised!" Proverbs 31:30

<>< I Surrender 

*MD-Information taken from the Maker's Diet book, along with the majority of the information in this post.

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